Video: “Shut up, don’t tell me how to drive…”

I don’t usually cover rallying on this blog, but given that not much is happening during F1’s summer break, I couldn’t resist this little gem that has arrived from India.

It features wealthy businessman and Mitsubishi owner Samir Thapar in action on the recent Coimbatore Rally, alongside his co-driver Vivek Ponnusamy.

Rallying is of course to a large degree about communication, relying on a calm and collected co-driver supplying information to a driver who can process it. Here is an example of how things don’t always go smoothly…

If you want to see more Samir Thapar himself has kindly uploaded entire stages to YouTube, so just search for his name. Enjoy!


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18 responses to “Video: “Shut up, don’t tell me how to drive…”

  1. Vicky Chandhok

    Just hilarious. ……what a great weekend video! !!

  2. Ashvin N

    Difficult to win a rally being that

  3. That made my morning! Thanks.

  4. Too funny, basically doing what he need to do to stay alive.

  5. IcemanVettel

    Sonny can’t drive for sheeeeet. His co-driver was correct.

  6. Liga

    Laughed like mad 😀 😀 thanks for great mood!

  7. Pdm

    I beg you Sami concentrate Haha

  8. Andre Schoonenwolf

    Love this! Reminds to the 1986 Himalayan Rally and the Ford Driving Courses for Indian drivers. The Siera’s didn’t survive that handling!! Triple caution around the Nehru Stadium back then!!

  9. reminds me of the first driving lesson I had with my dad when I was a kid

  10. Shut Up! This is one of the funniest rally videos I’ve ever seen!

  11. Bill Marsh

    And my wife says I get excited when I’m giving her driving directions! 😉

  12. I have co-driven for people like that before.
    Wealthy people who want to be able to tell their friends that they are Rally Drivers but won’t listen to their co-drivers.
    Vivek is a very experienced co-driver and knows what he is doing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he got out of the car at the service break and didn’t get back in!

  13. Soni Vashisht

    Reblogged this on Flakey Blog and commented:
    It reminds me too, of my first driving lessons here….:(( ..& I still feel I need more lessons after watching this.
    Co-driver becomes rude if its a female driver 😦 lolzz

  14. TeeKay39

    I have watched this so many times and I am just dying. Minute 1:10 is the highlight of this video. This video just keeps making my day, and hour etc. I simply love his sincerity and insistence. It is in fact quite admirable. But so ridiculously funny.

  15. Reblogged this on Saunt3r and commented:
    This is simply hilarious. Samir is getting verbally pummelled by his assistant on the left. It looks really dangerous to be honest. Kudos to Samir for still being alive.

  16. “Shut up, don’t tell me how to drive!” Uhh…Isn’t that his job? I know I’d hate to be in the passenger seat.

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