Group Lotus: “Delighted with the outcome…”

Group Lotus has responded to last night’s positive statement from Team Lotus by claiming that it too was pleased with the outcome of yesterday’s brief hearing the London High Court, which resulted in the judge setting a trial date for March 21.

The car maker also says that the team was wrong to claim that the application for a summary judgement had been ‘thrown out.’

The increasing level of tension between the parties will make for interesting times in testing and at the first race in Bahrain, where the Lotus-Renault of Team Lotus will compete against the Lotus-sponsored Renault of Lotus Renault GP. Or something like that…

The statement reads as follows: “Group Lotus and Proton are delighted with the outcome of yesterday’s hearing in which the Judge ordered a full trial of this matter to be heard as soon as possible given the proximity of the start of the new 2011 Formula 1 season in a few weeks. The trial has been fixed at the English High Court for 21 March 2011.

“Group Lotus and Proton have been made aware of the press release issued by 1Malaysia Racing Team (1MRT), it is completely incorrect and a misrepresentation of the Judge’s decision suggesting that Group Lotus’ application was “thrown out”. No decision was made on Group Lotus’ application. The Judge proposed that the better procedural route was to order a speedy trial of all the issues in dispute in the case. 1MRT initially resisted the Judge’s approach to resolve all matters quickly and before the start of the 2011 Formula 1 season but the order was subsequently made and the first available date was 21 March.

“Group Lotus and Proton have always held the view that this matter should be resolved as soon as possible in the interests of Formula 1 and the fans. We therefore welcome this decision and look forward to the full trial. We are confident that at the trial Group Lotus will succeed in preventing 1MRT, Mr Fernandes and his companies, from using the Lotus name in Formula 1 once and for all.”

This is turning into a right old soap opera…


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4 responses to “Group Lotus: “Delighted with the outcome…”

  1. Peter G

    So, both of them are happy. Really good news .
    Seems that one of them will not be happy at the end of this farce.

  2. F1 Kitteh

    Im just happy that everyone is happy. Can’t wait for start of season!

  3. Pierre

    They are so stupid at Group Lotus to refuse to call the opponent “Team Lotus”. On my side, I will refuse to call their car something else than a Renault.

  4. Soeren

    Again, utter rubbish coming from Group Lotus, contorting the truth just like calling a black sheep white.

    If one party (Group Lotus) applies for a summary judgement, they do this hoping the judge decides in their favour right there and then, avoiding full trial.

    The judge declined to make a summary judgement. So if Group Lotus now say they’re happy with the outcome it just means they can’t admit that they got kicked in the face.

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