“We have to wait at least a week”, says Kubica surgeon

Robert Kubica has completed a seven hour operation under Italian hand surgery specialist Prof Igor Rossello, but it will be some time before his true condition becomes clear.

“We have to wait at least a week to see if his hand survives,” Rossello told Italian media, referring to the likelihood of a return to full functionality. He added that it could take a year for the Pole to be able to use his right arm again.

Rossello, a specialist from the nearly San Paulo Hospital in Savona, was joined by Renault’s own doctor, Riccardo Ceccarelli.

Kubica underwent bone reconstruction before the doctors attended to tissue and nerve damage, while a separate team worked on his injured leg.


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4 responses to ““We have to wait at least a week”, says Kubica surgeon

  1. hope all the best for him…
    he is still my secret favorite for the new season 🙂

  2. Andy c

    That sounds ominous. Let’s just pray his hand is ok.

    Best wishes Robert.

  3. Ugh I hope he recovers.. it’s so terrible. I could almost cry why I don’t even know Kubica in person.

  4. Hunter

    Hope he will be okay and back in a car sometime.

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